.. Few words about the college from the desk of the Principal
Sukumar Sengupta Mahavidyalaya, nestled in the nourishing bed of Keshpur, near Paschim Medinipur, is purely rural college, imparting education to young and eager minds of this region since its inception in the year 2004. Sahid Kshudiram Centre for Education and Development, a registered society dedicated for the developments of the underdeveloped denizens of this region, decided to set up a college in such a locality that is predominantly inhabited by socially and economically disadvantaged people comprising SC, ST and Minority people. Funds were raised from generous individuals and establishments and infrastructure facilities in the form of class-room, library, laboratory etc. were created. 6 (Six) acres of land was procured and a magnificent three-storied building which has by this time been renovated and extended was set up in the midst of verdurous natural beauty.
We have faith in our student future
Dissemination of knowledge amount and imparting higher education to people the background areas predominantly inhabited by SC, St and Minority people. The motto of this institution is dissemination of education with a view to preparing the students for future life and with a view to realizing ‘Education for all’ so the authority is motivated with the views of Swami Vivekananda and trying to spear the dreams for man-making through building character enriched with the sense of social and civic responsibilities.
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