Sukumar Sengupta Mahavidyalaya Principal Desk

Principal’s Desk

Care and attention for all Students

Even more complicated. Maecenas time, earth needs to improve

Principal's Desk

    Sukumar Sengupta Mahavidyalaya, nestled in the nourishing bed of Keshpur, near Paschim Medinipur, is purely rural college, imparting education to young and eager minds of this region since its inception in the year 2004. Sahid Kshudiram Centre for Education and Development, a registered society dedicated for the developments of the underdeveloped denizens of this region, decided to set up a college in such a locality that is predominantly inhabited by socially and economically disadvantaged people comprising SC, ST and Minority people. Funds were raised from generous individuals and establishments and infrastructure facilities in the form of class-room, library, laboratory etc. were created. 6 (Six) acres of land was procured and a magnificent three-storied building which has by this time been renovated and extended was set up in the midst of verdurous natural beauty. In the year 2005 the new college obtained recognition from the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal followed by affiliation to the Vidyasagar University in the same year. Sukumar Sengupta Mahavidyalaya embarked on its voyage with only 123 undergraduate students in the academic session 2005 – 2006. The institution has recognized by UGC in the year of 2016.

    In spite of the constant dearth of manpower as permanent faculty members or non-teaching staff, it has been striving to provide quality education and formal academic support to the students while trying to equip them with practical skills necessary for leading an honest and successful professional life as well as to be a decent and committed person for the social life. Keeping in mind the demands and needs of the pupils of the young generation we are trying to introduce new courses of study for both general and vocational education.

“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.”

             –———— Albert Einstein

    The college is committed to ensuring equal opportunity to all the students irrespective of their class, caste and custom in a ragging-free learning environment for a holistic development of personality of the students to actualize their potential through sustained efforts.

The well equipped college library has a collection of different books, journals and periodicals ranging from some of the oldest and rarest books in the country to the latest and the most contemporary.

    Equally modern and well equipped are the Science laboratories which adequately refine the students’ abilities.

The college boasts of a lush-green play ground. It is therefore no surprise that a bunch of national level sportspersons blossomed here; as we made a commendable mark in games and sports for the last few years; especially some students made us proud with being state level champions in different fields of sports. Moreover we have intellectual resource too i.e. the alumnus who became university topper in different academic discipline.

    Our college continuously cares to conquer corrosive forces of society by cultivating the cultural seeds in the hearts of the students and by attaining its culmination. In this age of doom and destruction our college shoulders the decisive duty of making students environmentally conscious. The lush-green ground surrounded with palm trees is the beautiful creation of our eco-conscious students. Students actively participate in the Swach-Bharat Aviyan – students use the waste materials to create something new that stimulates their creativity. This college boasts of a very strong N.S.S. department enriched with the three units that always engage students in community out-reach activities for development and orientation of both students and community stakeholders.

    It is needless to say that our glorious present owes a lot to that humble beginning. We know that whatever has been achieved is ‘petty’ compared to the ‘undone vast’ but let us hope and strive together. We are confident that this budding institution will blossom to the fullest and will translate the millennial dream of expanding the horizons of the young mind into reality.

” Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “

–———— Nelson Mandela

Website Design and Maintenance by Bapan Parya,SACT,Department of Mathematics,Sukumar Sengupta Mahavidyalaya